



 ...illuminating the way

  • Event Fundraising Workshop June 19th, Taunton
    Course overview:

    This workshop will show you how to organise and run a successful fundraising event, giving you a framework to work from – be it a large scale outdoor event, or a smaller scale community event. You will find out about how to ensure your fundraising events raise as much income and awareness as possible for your cause, whilst keeping a handle on expenditure. It will also introduce you to the basic principles of marketing and - whether a large or small event - it will help you to explore the most cost effective (and free) marketing opportunities for your organisation.

    We will cover:

    • Identifying the right event for your purposes, timing & location
    • Make your events stand out from the crowd & awareness raising
    • The importance of defining your target audience
    • Gathering data for successful future events
    • How to develop additional income streams at your events
    • How to recognise, record and reduce the risks
    • Budget planning and attracting sponsorship
    • Gifts in kind and maximising income from your events

  • Next Training course is Corporate Fundraising: raising money from companies

    This Cascade Training Course is on Monday 3rd December 2012, in Taunton and you can book here online.

    This workshop is aimed at staff (& volunteers) who have been tasked with the job of looking for funding from companies and just don't know where to start - or who need to know how to build ‘win win’ corporate relationships. We will look at the different ways to approach companies, when, and with what!

    You will also gain the tools necessary to identify the best sources of corporate funding for your organisation and how to make the right approach to maximise your chance of success. This training will develop and equip you with the skills needed to confidently identify potential corporate funding partners and how to go about forging strong relationships with them.

    We will be covering:

    • Identifying different sources of corporate funding
    • How to implement a corporate fundraising strategic plan
    • Cause Related Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Tips on 'getting a foot in the door’
    • Insight into what different companies are looking for
    • Common reasons why approaches tend to fail
    • Developing a winning relationship – getting chosen as ‘charity of the year’

  • Ardent Hare - A bright new name for Dada-South
    Ardent Hare - A bright new name for Dada-South
  • Ardent Hare - great new name for Dada South

    I have just become a Patron of an Ardent Hare artist with disabilities. Christopher used 2000 condoms in 22 days to make an amazing sculpture. Love it! Why not join me in supporting the amazing work that this charity does to help artists with disabilities.

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